If you’re a small business or new startup, you may not have tons of money to spend on expensive advertising like your bigger competitors do. To compete on the same level with a smaller budget, you have to market smarter. This is where 10 tips for creative marketing would come in handy. Well, you’re in luck!
Before we get to that, start by brainstorming with your business partners and connections to come up with several inexpensive, outside-the-box marketing ideas. This method produces ideas that are tailor-made for your business and already incorporate your key values and message. Try to come up with 50+ general creative marketing ideas and then narrow down by eliminating those that won’t work for your product or service.
Then, if you’re really feeling stumped for ideas, consider hiring a small marketing firm that gives personal service and will truly invest time and effort into helping your business succeed (eh hem! we know just the firm) OR just utilize the below 100% free 10 tips for creative marketing:
1. Create relevant content on your website. Start blogging with a purpose. Fresh and helpful content helps engage readers, build valuable links, attract leads and convert them to your product or service. Make it about THEM and not just you and what you’re trying to sell.
2. Speak at seminars and teach workshops. You’ll get publicity from marketing the event and from the event itself. You’ll also reinforce that you’re a resource for information in your community.
3. Host free events. Reporters are always looking for a good story. Give them what they want and get some free publicity by hosting a free event that possibly benefits a local non-profit. You’ll get more response if there’s food or freebies involved. Other businesses may want to join in and contribute to entertainment and giveaways too – ask them!
4. Network. This is a classic marketing idea for small businesses because it can yield big dividends. Association with networking groups or your local Chamber of Commerce can help you find new partners or clients, or discover new opportunities.
5. Build a referral network. Referrals and word of mouth are the most powerful advertising! Build relationships with professionals and other businesses you would happily refer your customers to–and who can send referrals your way, as well.
6. Be a people person. Never stop networking, follow all leads, and participate in conversations wherever you find them. Don’t be afraid of the phone, internet, email, or face-to-face meetings.
7. Send handwritten holiday, birthday, or thank you cards to past and current clients, valued partners, vendors in your referral network, connections who have helped you–everyone you can think of. This is a low-cost and unique marketing idea for small business, but many entrepreneurs have reported its effectiveness.
8. Be where your competition is not. Get more leads as the only major player.
9. Be everywhere. Having a blog, have YouTube channel, Facebook Business Page, Linked In, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus… you get the point. Social media makes you more well known and credible. Expand beyond your website to get more traffic and leads.
10. Ask for testimonials and reviews. This includes online reviews on websites like Yelp, Google, Facebook, get recommendations on LinkedIn, and rave comments through any channel. Create a testimonials page on your website and use the best reviews in as many promotions as makes sense.
Contact Creative Juices Marketing Agency if you have a new business or existing one that needs fresh ideas. We can just chat. There’s no obligation 434 964 7511 or email [email protected].
See also Creative Ideas For Web